Astra Business Coaching Blog

What to Charge in Your Business

There is a myth amongst biz owners that selling or even *gasp* wanting a lot of money in exchange for your work is somehow greedy or rude. That's bullsh*t.

I remember all the times I undercharged because I didn't think I was good enough to ask for a decent price. I wound up exhausted and resentful because all the energy I poured into this work wasn't sustaining me.

I was frustrated and stuck...because I knew there was so much more inside my business that's was waiting to come up for air.

So …

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I'm Now a Trauma Informed Business Coach (Officially)

I've been discussing the concept of BRAVERY in my content lately, and one of the ways I see bravery is being direct, so here goes:

I am now Fi Simler, TRAUMA-INFORMED Business Coach. No more "trauma mindful" or "trauma sensitive." This title change felt like the last piece of the I'm no longer making myself small of watering myself down puzzle I've been assembling this year.

Even though I've been studying trauma and how to hold trauma informed space since 2017, it took me 2+ years to get here …

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Why Discomfort is Good for You as a Creative Entrepreneur

Creativity (like business) demands that we ask ourselves these brutally honest questions:

How uncomfortable am I willing to get? Is discomfort good for you?

Creativity asks us to let go of the results, expectations and end product and simply enjoy the process. Create for creation's sake. Fill your soul with your ability to conceptualize and make. Period.

Because my god, when we first start anything, it immediately becomes about results and success. WHAT IF WE CHALLENGED THAT?

What if you vie…

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My Launch Failed. Twice in a Row. Here's What I learned.

Epic Fail - A Story of My First Launch

This one is never easy for me to share...But here goes...

My first launch ever didn't exactly go as planned in Dec of 2020. I was promoting my 8-week group coaching program, Connection Catalyst, and it started off AMAZING.

47 people in my masterclass - woah!! 🥳🥳🥳 8 people on the waitlist - okay!!

It was going to be epic. It was going to be exciting! It was going to change lives!

It was FAIL. And then in Aug of AGAIN. 🤪

Cue the e…

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How Trauma Informed Are We Really?

"Trauma" isn't just a new buzzword -it's been a buzzword for quite some time now. (which is so crazy that folks are using trauma as a means for attention, marketing and social capital, but...more on that another day..)

If you're someone who has followed any individual who calls themselves "trauma informed" or if you're someone who has themselves done trauma informed's time to ask, How trauma informed are we really?

For me, being trauma mindful or trauma sensitive (these two phras…

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What determines profitability for a business? It's not what you think.

This is not a "3 tips to get more clients" blog post. Entrepreneurship is MORE than just 3 TIPS FOR X.

One of the real tickets to profitability is the ability to explore your internal landscape and discover your deep truths.

These deep truths help CHECK YOU when you're doing 3749519 things besides the things that ACTUALLY GENERATE REVENUE for your business.

The REAL ticket is self regulate. It helps you increase your capacity to CREATE 🎨🎨🎨 EARN 💰💰💰 and MAKE IMPORTANT DECISIONS 🧠

This is why…

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Shadow Work to Heal | What it can teach us as entrepreneurs

My 2023 word of the year for my business is: REIMAGINE.

I want to step into my power, create for the sake of it, connect deeply to myself and others, protect my energy, empower my community, feel proud and sexy in my skin, accept my flaws, hold my traumas with compassion, forgive myself, make lots of fucking money, fuck the system, and laugh til I fall off my chair. ⁣

Of course, all this optimism doesn't come without a healthy dose of shadow work...
Shadow work is hard. Shadow work is painful.…

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Is Keeping Yourself Busy a Trauma Response? Here's my story.

I used to love being SO busy - working full time PLUS teaching 3-4 yoga classes per week plus never-ending education, networking, and outside "fun" stuff that my old boss would have us to without pay.🫠

Looking back, I was ABSOLUTELY in a trauma response. I was ABSOLUTELY in chronic fight or flight mode. I was ABSOLUTELY subscribing to the belief that if I just broke my body for my work, I would finally be worthy.

No wonder I had to take a medical leave of absence. No wonder my body broke down.…

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Unpopular Opinion: Social Media Followers are NOT the Goal

More social media followers doesn't necessarily equal more sales in your small business. 💰 Here's the truth 👇⁣⁣

More followers CAN'T benefit your business if:⁣⁣

You don't have a content creation routine⁣⁣ that makes sense
Your content isn't inspiring, educational or entertaining⁣⁣
Your offers aren't what your audience needs⁣
You're scared of selling⁣


More followers CAN benefit you if:⁣⁣

You are selling a low-ticket item or membership and you need a higher number of sales to meet your …

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